In the Seventh Letter Plato says that
concerning each thing that exists there are five aspects we must distinguish: 1/
the thing itself (auto), 2/ the knowledge
of it (epistȇmȇ), 3/ its image (eidȏlon), 4/ its definition
(logos), 5/ its name (onoma). He brings to light these five
aspects on the example of a circle, which makes it clear that ‘the thing itself’
is the Form as we know it from the Republic,
the Phaedrus, the Symposium, and the Timaeus. Then he says that ‘the same applies to straight as well as
(t’auton dȇ peri te eutheos hama kai) to circular form (peripherous
schȇmatos), to
colours (kai chroas), to the good (peri te agathou), the beautiful (kai kalou), the just (kai dikaiou), to all bodies whether
manufactured (kai peri sȏmatos hapantos skeuastou te) or coming
into being in the course of nature (kai
kata phusin gegonotos)’, 342d3-6).
Plato’s inclusion
of ‘all bodies manufactured’ in the Seventh
Letter points to the tenth book of the Republic,
where Socrates speaks of the form of bed (klinȇ
hȇ en tȇi phusei ousa ‘bed existing in nature’), which is created by God (hȇn theon ergasasthai, 597b5-7). Does it
then mean that in his old age Plato fully corroborated the view of the forms as
entities created by God, which he adumbrated in Republic X?
Adam notes
on Republic X, 597b6-7: ‘hȇn – theon ergasasthai. “Occurrit, ut
videtur, quasi ex improviso Platoni, Deum Idearum auctorem appellare [‘It
occurs to Plato, as can be seen, as if by improvisation, to call God the
creator of Forms’]”, truly enough, in the restricted sense that we ought to lay
no stress on this passage by itself
as evidence for the origin of the Ideas. But, if God and the Idea of Good are
the same, Plato is merely saying in theological language what he formerly said
in philosophical, when he derived the ousia
[‘being’] of all other Ideas from the Idea of Good (VI 509 B).’ (J. Adam, The Republic of Plato, Cambridge
University Press, 1902, digitally printed in 2009, vol. II, p. 390-391.)
In Republic 509 B Plato says: ‘The good not
only infuses the power of being known into all things known (tois gignȏskomenois mȇ monon to gignȏskesthai hupo tou
agathou pareinai),
but also bestows upon them their being and existence (alla kai to einai te kai tȇn ousian hup’ ekeinou
autois pareinai),
and yet the good is not existence (ouk
ousias ontos tou agathou), but lies far beyond it in dignity and power (all eti epekeina tȇs ousias presbeiai kai dunamei huperechontos, 509b6-10, tr. Jowett).’
Is Adam
right, when he maintains that Plato in Republic
X says in theological language what he formerly, that is in 509b6-10 said in
philosophical? In Republic X Socrates
goes on to say: ‘God (ho theos),
whether from choice or from necessity (eite
ouk ebouleto, eite tis anankȇ epȇn) made one bed in nature and one only;
two or more such beds neither ever have been nor ever will be made by God (mȇ pleon ȇ mian en tȇi phusei apergasasthai
auton klinȇn, houtȏs epoiȇsen mian monon autȇn ekeinȇn ho estin klinȇ; duo de
toiautai ȇ pleious oute ephuteuthȇsan hupo tou theou oute mȇ phuȏsin) … Because
even if He had made but two (hoti ei duo
monas poiȇseien), a third would still appear behind them (palin an mia anaphaneiȇ) of which they
again both possessed the form (hȇs
ekeinai an au amphoterai to eidos echoien), and that would be the real bed
and not the two others (kai eiȇ an ho
estin klinȇ ekeinȇ all’ ouch hai duo) … God knew this, I suppose (tauta dȇ oimai eidȏs ho theos), and He
desired to be the real maker of a real bed (boulomenos
einai ontȏs klinȇs poiȇtȇs ontȏs ousȇs), not a kind of maker of a kind of
bed (alla mȇ klinȇs tinos mȇde klinopoios
tis), and therefore he created a bed which is essentially and by nature one
only (mian phusei autȇn epoiȇsen).’
Can this be seen as a theological version of what Socrates said in Republic VI, 509 B?
In Republic VI 485b2-3 Plato speaks of the
Forms as ‘the being that is eternal (tȇs ousias tȇs aei ousȇs), not disturbed
by generation and decay (kai mȇ planȏmenȇs
hupo geneseȏs kai phthoras’. These are the Forms which Plato
introduced in the Phaedrus, not the
Forms that God makes (ergasasthai) in
Republic X. In the Phaedrus Plato’s Socrates proclaimed
that ‘God has his divinity by virtue of being with the Forms’ (pros hoisper theos ȏn theios estin,
249c6)’. In view of this, the Forms could be seen as an ‘introduction of new
deities’ – the charge for which Socrates was sentenced to death. Plato as the
author of the Phaedrus was protected
by the amnesty announced by the victorious democrats after their defeat of the
Thirty against any such charge. Since the Forms discussed in Republic V-VII are the Forms introduced
in the Phaedrus, Plato had to devise
a new protection; this he did by presenting God as the maker of forms in the
last book of the Republic. If the
Forms in the Republic needed
protection against the notion of the Forms as entities from which God derives
his divinity announced in the Phaedrus,
the Forms in the Seventh Letter
needed such protection even more, for in it Plato pointed to the Phaedran
notion of the written word as incapable of expressing what he had told Dionysius.
This protection Plato devised by pointing to forms of ‘all bodies manufactured’
(peri sȏmatos hapantos skeuastou),
which links the Seventh Letter to Republic X with its notion of God as the
maker of the form of bed, and putatively of forms as such. But the form of bed
of which Socrates speaks in Republic
X, form made by God, is a fundamentally different form from the eternal Forms
of books V-VII.
What Plato
says in Republic VI, 509 B about the
Good that bestows upon the Forms being and existence (alla kai to einai te kai tȇn ousian hup’ ekeinou
autois pareinai,
509b6-7), can best be viewed in terms of the community of Forms (allȇlȏn koinȏnia) indicated
in Republic V, 476a4-7.
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