Friday, March 3, 2017

Would you sponsor my work on Plato?

Dear Oxford Academic,

I have been studying Ancient Philosophy for more than fifty years. For the last 8 years, the results of my work could be viewed on my website; in January 2008 I put on my website The Lost Plato and in the years that followed a number of texts concerning my work; recordings of Plato, Aristotle, Isocrates, Xenophon, Alcidamas, Homer, Pindar, and The New Testament in the original; virtual lecture on ‘Socrates, Plato, and the Laws of Athens’ and on ‘Human Spiritual Nature and the X of Neurophysiologists’.

I live in a house for old people; my working conditions are good. The problem is my financial situation. The monthly Service Charge for the flat is £185.10, the monthly council tax is £210.24, then come bills for telephone, water, and electricity. I need to eat and dress, and need to buy some underwear. My only income is every four weeks £112.12 of British State Pension, and every three months a Czech Pension of approximately £460 (£460.21 was the last payment I received, in January 2016).

Would you look on my website, especially the paper on ‘Plato’s defence of Forms in the Parmenides’, and on my blog, in particular the series of 25 posts devoted to the dating of the Phaedrus, which began on November 25, 2016 with the post entitled ‘Could my dating of Plato’s Phaedrus be an answer?’ and ended with the post entitled ‘4cc Dating of the Phaedrus – doctrinal arguments (discussing Plato’s Euthydemus, Statesman, Republic and Laws, and Aristotle’s Politics)’ and posted on February 17 of this year? If you do, you will see that the Blog allows a new form of work. Every post opens for me a new enquiry, with every post my understanding of Plato gets more structured, more articulated; and I hope that at least some of those who follow my blog do enjoy the new glimpses of Plato each post brings.

Originally, on March 3, I addressed my appeal for sponsorship to the University of Oxford Faculty of Philosophy Members, Philosophy Panel. ‘Subject’: ‘busking on the net’. I then looked in the dictionary: ‘busk – to perform music in a public place and ask for money from people passing by’. I realized that the ‘witty’ ‘busking on the net’ is all wrong. Buskers would not busk if they expected to get no money. I shall continue enquiring into Plato on my Blog whether I find anybody willing to sponsor me or no. But any help would be appreciated. Yesterday I had to cancel my dental appointment.

If you look at ‘Plato’s Statesman, the date of its composition with references to his Parmenides, Phaedo, Symposium, Second and Seventh Letter, and to Plutarch’s Dion’, which I posted on March 8, you will see that my work is getting better from post to post.

Julius Tomin

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