Friday, November 13, 2015

Busking with St Paul and Homer at St George

Dear Vicar,

Allow me to inform you and your congregation that on the forthcoming Sunday, November 15, I intend to busk in front of St George with Homer and St Paul read in the original. I shall start busking at 9am. I then shall attend the Service, and after the Service I should like to talk to anybody interested in my work concerning St Paul, New Testament, and the Ancient Greeks.

I must confess that the reasons for my decision to take recourse to busking are primarily financial. My only income is a State Pension of £26.95 a week; all my appeals to the Pension Service to revise their nonsensical decision to impose on me a debt of £11.956.70, which the Pension Service has been deducing from 2009 from my Pension Credit, and from my State Pension ever since I have lost the Pension Credit, have been in vain (see ‘It is all wrong – a letter to the Pension Service’ and ‘It has nothing to do with Oxford University’ on my blog, posted on June 15 and 19 respectively).

Hopefully, my busking with Homer will make people think about the decline that classics and classical philosophy have suffered in the last few decades – I have witnessed their ever accelerating decline since 1980 when I came to Oxford at the invitation of the Master of Balliol College at Oxford University – and about the ways in which that decline could be reversed. And I hope that Paul will carry us back to the days of the early Christian communities, to the foundations upon which St George stands with all the other Christian Churches around the world and from which we all can draw spiritual strength; I’ve chosen for my reading The First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians, Ch. 12-15.

You can listen to my readings of Homer and Paul on my website
I look forward to the next Sunday service at St George.

Julius Tomin
If you want to know more about me and my work, read ‘An Appeal to the Master of Balliol’ on my blog, posted on October 25, 2015.

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