In ‘An afternoon at Balliol’ (posted on May 17) I
wrote: ‘The philosophic affinity between Plato’s Forms and Kant’s a priori concepts is obvious.’ As soon
as I posted the text, I began to have doubts whether I was entitled to make
that statement, for in making it I basically relied on Tennemann: ‘In the last
brief section of his Critique of Pure
Reason Kant proposes the history of pure reason (Die Geschichte der reinen Vernunft) as the task that remains to be
done; it is to be the history of philosophy as it culminated in the discovery
of truth. A German philosopher W. G. Tennemann undertook this task, and he
began to fulfil it with his System of
Platonic Philosophy (System der
Platonischen Philosophie, published in 1792). On the assumption that the
more truth a philosophic system contains, the more it approximates Kant, he
rejected the ancient dating of Plato’s Phaedrus
as his first dialogue. In his view, Plato’s philosophy developed towards the
theory of Forms in the Phaedrus, as
all subsequent philosophy developed towards Kant’s idea of a priori.’ – I had to return to Kant and see, whether Tennemann’s
claim, which I had appropriated, could be justified.
At first glance, the claim is
untenable. In the ‘Introduction’ to the 2nd edition of the Critique Kant says: ‘That all our
knowledge begins with experience there can be no doubt … In respect of time,
therefore, no knowledge of ours is antecedent to experience, but begins with it’
(tr. J. M. D. Meiklejohn).
Plato says in the Phaedrus that only the soul that has beheld the Forms can be
incarnated in the human bodily shape: ‘Human beings must understand what is
said according to Form (dei gar anthrȏpon
sunienai kat’ eidos legomenon), for what is spoken passes from a plurality
of perceptions (ek pollȏn ion aisthêseȏn)
and must be gathered together into unity by reason (eis hen logismȏi sunairoumenon); and this is a recollection of
those entities (touto d’ estin anamnêsis
ekeinȏn) which our soul once beheld (ha
pot’ eiden hêmȏn hê psuchê) as it journeyed with god (sumporeutheisa theȏi) … when it rose up to what truly is (ankupsasa eis to on ontȏs)’. (249b5-c4).
Referring presumably to the opening
paragraph in Kant’s ‘Introduction’, quoted above, Raymund Schmidt, the editor
of the 1956 edition, writes in his ‘Sachregister’ that a priori in Kant does not mean a priority in time, being inborn,
but a transcendental priority (a priori: bei Kant nicht in zeitlicher Bedeutung = angeboren, sondern in
transcendentaler). But note the second paragraph of Kant’s ‘Introduction’:
‘But, though all our knowledge begins with experience (Wenn aber gleich alle unsere Erkenntnis mit der Erfahrung anhebt,),
it by no means follows that all arises out of experience (so entspringt sie darum doch nicht eben alle aus der Erfahrung.).
For, on the contrary, it is quite possible (Denn
es könnte wohl sein,) that our empirical knowledge (dass selbst unsere Erfahrungserkenntnis) is a compound of that (ein Zusammengesetztes aus dem sei,) which
we receive through impressions (was wir
durch Eindrücke empfangen,), and that (und
dem,) which the faculty of cognition supplies from itself (was unser eigenes Erkenntnisvermögen aus
sich selbst hergibt,) (sensuous impressions giving merely the occasion (durch sinnliche Eindrücke bloss veranlasst)),
an addition which we cannot distinguish from the original element given by
sense (welchen Zusatz wir von jenem
Grundstoffe nicht eher unterscheiden,), till long practice has made us
attentive to, and skilful in separating it (als
bis lange Űbung uns darauf aufmerksam und zur Absonderung desselben geschickt
gemacht hat.)’ (tr. J. M. D. Meiklejohn).
The following passage from the 1st
part of the ‘Transcendental Aesthetic’ fully justifies Tennemann’s view that
Plato’s Forms in the Phaedrus point
to Kant’s a priori: ‘That which in
the phenomenon corresponds to the sensation, I term its matter (In der Erscheinung nenne ich das, was der Empfindung
korrespondirt, die Materie derselben,); but that (dasjenige aber,) which effects (welches
macht,) that the content of the phenomenon (dass das Mannigfaltige der Erscheinung) can be arranged under
certain relations (in gewissen
Verhältnissen geordnet werden kann,), I call its form (nenne ich die Form der Erscheinung.). But that in which our
sensations are merely arranged (Da das,
worinnen sich die Empfindungen allein ordnen), and by which they are
susceptible of assuming a certain form (und
in gewisse Form gestellt werden können,), cannot be itself sensation (nicht wiederum Empfindung sein kann,).
It is, then, the matter of all phenomena that is given to us a posteriori (so ist uns zwar die Materie aller Erscheinung nur a posteriori gegeben,);
the form must lie ready a priori for them in the mind (die Form derselben aber muss zu ihnen insgesamt im Gemüte a priori
bereitliegen,), and consequently can be regarded separately from all
sensation (und daher abgesondert von
aller Empfindung können betrachtet warden,)’ (tr. J. M. D. Meiklejohn). (Immanuel Kant, Kritik der reinen Vernunft, nach der ersten und zweiten
Original-Ausgabe neu herausgegeben von Raymund Schmidt, Felix Meiner Verlag,
Hamburg 1956, p. 64) –I apologize for not revising Meiklejohn’s translation; I
let it stand, for it does not distort Kant’s thought significantly.
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