‘When we got to the doorway (epeidȇ en
tȏi prothurȏi egenometha) [of Callias’ house], we stood there (epistantes) talking about some subject (peri tinos logou dielegometha) which had
come up on the way (hos hȇmin kata tȇn
hodon enepesen). As we didn’t want to break off the discussion, but
preferred to reach a conclusion and then go in (hin’ oun mȇ atelȇs genoito, alla diaperanamenoi houtȏs eisioimen),
we stood in the doorway (stantes en tȏi
prothurȏi) talking (dielegometha)
until we reached agreement (heȏs
sunȏmologȇsamen allȇlois). I think (dokei
oun moi) that the porter (ho thurȏros),
a eunuch (eunouchos tis), must have
overheard us (katȇkouen hȇmȏn), and
perhaps he was annoyed at the throngs of people that the number of sophists was
bringing (kinduneuei de dia to plȇthos
tȏn sophistȏn achthesthai tois phoitȏsin) to the house (eis tȇn oikian). At any rate, when we
knocked at the door (epeidȇ goun
ekrousamen tȇn thuran), he opened it (anoixas)
and saw (kai idȏn) us (hȇmas). “Ah, sophists,” he said (‘Ea’, ephȇ, ‘sophistai tines’); “he’s
busy (‘ou scholȇ autȏi’),” and at the
same time (kai hama) he slammed the
door with both hands as hard as he could (amphoin
toin cheroin tȇn thuran panu prothumȏs hȏs hoios t’ ȇn epȇraxen). We began
knocking again (kai hȇmeis palin
ekrouomen), and he (kai hos) kept
the door closed (enkeklȇimenȇs tȇs thuras)
and said (apokrinomenos eipen),
“Didn’t you hear (‘Ȏ anthrȏpoi’, ephȇ, ‘ouk
akȇkoate)? He’s busy (hoti ou scholȇ
autȏi’).” “My dear sir (All’ ȏ’gathe),”
I said (ephȇn egȏ), “we haven’t come
to see Callias (oute para Kallian hȇkomen),
nor are we sophists (oute sophistai esmen).
Don’t worry (alla tharrei). We’ve
come to see Protagoras (Prȏtagoran gar
toi deomenoi idein ȇlthomen). Just tell them we’ve come (eisangellon oun).” So eventually, with
great reluctance (mogis oun pote),
the fellow opened the door to us (hȇmin h’anthrȏpos
aneȏixen tȇn thuran).’ (314c3-e2, tr. Taylor)
Can this
scene be viewed as part of Socrates’ sunousia,
his ‘being together’, with Protagoras? It was his ‘being together’ with
Protagoras that he undertook to narrate at 310a2-5, and every reflection of his
since the moment Hippocrates asked him to ‘put in a word for him’ with
Protagoras played a role in preparing him for his ‘being together’ with the
latter, and thus pre-formed their ‘being together’ as far as his part in it was
concerned. But there are other factors which make this scene an integral part
of Socrates’ sunousia-narrative. In
his introductory sunousia with
Hippocrates he defined the sophists as merchants and pedlars selling learning,
and Hippocrates blushed at the thought that he might become a sophist, and
rejected it as unsuitable to him. Yet because of their discussion at the door of
Callias’ house the porter mistook them for sophists; this provided Socrates
with an opportunity to firmly distance himself and his friend from the sophists.
difference between Socrates and Hippocrates on the one hand, and the sophists
on the other is emphasized by the fact that Socrates and Hippocrates knocked on
the door only after they brought the discourse (logos, Taylor’s ‘subject’) ‘which had come up on the way’ to its proper
conclusion (i.e. the conclusion on which they agreed with each other [sunȏmologȇsamen allȇlois]), whereas
Socrates’ discussion with Protagoras became incomplete, for the latter in the
end chickened out of it.
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